Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ownershift?

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Ownershift is a not-for-profit, non-partisan think tank with the aim of affecting societal power structures in favor of women’s autonomy through women’s ownership. We focus on the role of being a knowledge hub for women's ownership - compiling, creating, packaging, and spreading facts and research. In addition, we are an active player in driving opinion in favor of women's financial autonomy with the focus on ownership as well as an accelerator of the movement for powershift through ownership.

What is Ownershift’s goal?

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Ownershift's goal is to enable women's autonomy through a measurable increase of women's ownership within the span of a lifetime.

What are the issues Ownershift is trying to tackle?

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The central issue Ownershift is working towards is increasing women’s access to ownership. By lowering systemic barriers and spreading knowledge as well as changing norms we will increase women’s ownership and financial autonomy. We bring about a powershift for creating a platform for equal lives and societies. Ownershift believes that representation is super important, but the power that comes with ownership is also needed to truly change power structures that can bring about the equality needed to create fair, sustainable, and lasting change. A supporting but absolutely central correlating goal, is the need for assessing what measurements are taken in regards to ownership and advocating for the measures we find missing. We agree with this quote: “Not having data on a certain area, behavior or society means that you cannot design the right policies, you cannot track progress, you cannot evaluate. You are basically not accountable.” - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Who founded Ownershift? When was Ownershift founded?

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Ownershift was co-founded March 8th, 2018 by entrepreneurs Linda Waxin and Charlotte Sundåker looking to make an impact on women’s ownership. They brought in experts Dr. Emma Heikensten, pr-pros Elin Hammarbergs & Jennie Sinclair, lawyer Caroline Snellman, and investor Louise Samet during the spring, which formed the initial experts and the first members of the organization which was formalized by general meeting in November 2018. The first report: “Who owns Sweden?” was launched on March 8, 2019.

Who works with Ownershift?

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A crew of committed members of the organization on a non-profit basis including the Board of Directors, a hired Secretary General, a dedicated research- and report team, many on the ground volunteers and all backed by sponsors and numerous supportive individuals. Read more on our “About Us” page.

How is Ownershift funded?

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Today Ownershift has long-term sponsorship from S.E.B., as well as project specific sponsorship from real estate organizations Magnolia Bostad, Slättö Förvaltning, and Hufvudstaden. Projects are funded in part by limited-term sponsorships and individual contributions. Currently, Ownershift receives no governmental/public funding. Would you like to join the list of sponsors helping to bring about change in women’s ownership? Contact to start the conversation!

When is your next report coming out?

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The next report is scheduled for release early 2024. See our latest on our "Reports" page!

How can I support Ownershift?

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First and foremost you are probably already supporting the Ownershift movement. Being an Ownershifter is to encourage women to own, to learn how barriers and norms prevent equal access to ownership, and use or spread the knowledge through your life. In more concrete terms, spread the word of the importance of women’s ownership for equal societies and women's financial autonomy, say it’s not enough with boards, leadership positions and representation, real power needs to be more equally distributed and societal systems need to start supporting that change! Send our reports to anyone in a position to change systems or their own lives.

How do I become a Member/ Do you have Memberships?

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Currently, we do not have open memberships that you can be a part of. However, we are working on an open membership or backer model since we know many of you are asking for this! Keep up to date by following our Instagram and LinkedIn accounts!

How can I get updates from Ownershift?

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Follow Ownershift on Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest with Ownershift and share, share, share!

Where is Ownershift located?

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Ownershift has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, at the centrally located Cecil CoWorking in partnership with Hufvudstaden.

How do I book Ownershift for a lecture at my organization?

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We are currently working on making this process a lot easier through our website. However, until we get that up and running you are welcome to email our Secretary General to request information on Ownershift lectures for your organization.